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your questions, answered.

  1. Do you mind if I copy your layout/graphics/design on my site?

    YES, I MIND. Don't do it. All layout graphics, code and associated original intellectual property are protected under United States copyright law and may not be used without permission. I have layered, dated Photoshop files on hand to prove my creation/ownership. I will not hesitate to contact your host and/or ISP if I find you've stolen something.

  2. Why don't some of the links work on the subpage navigation?

    Those sections are under construction and will be linked when they are finished.

  3. I have a technical problem with your site, who do I contact?

    Send me an email, as detailed as possible.

  4. My site is new. Will you link to me?

    The links section has sites I like a lot, or sites I would like to promote, usually sites I have found by myself. Send me an email with your site and a brief description of what you're doing with it, and I will consider it.

  5. What if my site isn't new? Will you link to me?

    Yes, if your site is related to Tsukino Usagi, you ask nicely, and/or I just like it. Send me an email.

  6. Can I link to you?

    Certainly. Link banners are available for your downloading pleasure in the linkfree section.

  7. How do you make a website?

    Go to this site. The W3Schools tutorials are extremely nice and should teach you anything you wish to know about HTML, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, etc etc etc.

  8. What programs do you use to make

    Photoshop, BBEdit, Transmit. Also: coffee.

Serapii Kisu is © 2005-2018 Danielle, all rights reserved. Please do not duplicate or copy any graphics, layout or code on this website. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon is © 1991-2018 by Takeuchi Naoko, used without permission but without intent of infringement for non-profit, educational purposes in accordance with the "Fair Use" clause of Title 17, Section 107, United States Code. Hosted by Dreamhost.