survey says...?
In this section, I am preserving a local copy of each requested review SKnet receives. Read this section to see how we did!
Star Garden Reviews
Reviewed August 20, 2005 (by Phi)
Score 9.8 out of 10 | 98%
Layout 10/10
It seems to me that after you created this layout, everyone started using the same image, perhaps just coincidence, but I've never seen it so widely used until now. It is a very lovely image of Eternal Sailormoon. I enjoyed all the layouts you made to correspond to each section of your site, all depict Sailormoon in her many forms. I especially enjoyed the Letters Never Sent layout, very unique! Navigation is easy to find and simple.
Main 10/10
Everything is easily set up to find including the current sections, site-related, and coming soon pages. The captions tell the viewer exactly what each section is about. In Member Of hyphen-ated and romanji lead to broken links.
Deconstructed 10/10
This is a very thorough section on hopefully soon-to-be all the uniforms/fukus that Sailormoon wears. This is definitely a cosplayer's dream site if they ever wanted to dress as one of Sailormoon's many forms. Each outfit is very much so deconstructed down to the very last shoe. Great job on providing so many different views of an image and providing cosplayers with ideas on how to create each outfit. It's awesome how you found that wedding ring that matches the one Usagi's wears. Although this section is heavily under construction, the pages you have up balance it so that the visitor will be waiting for your newest deconstruction.
Essence 9/10
This section is chocked full of everything you need to know sans background of Usagi. I liked how you used extra tables to quote/credit other sites and then used those to explain how they relate to Usagi in your own words.
108 secrets - I had a nice laugh out of this section. Can't wait to see the complete 108 secrets!
astrology - Spelled "humorous" wrong in the paragraph under the Cancer stats.
forms - Amazing how many different forms Usagi has.
personality - I found this to be an interesting section, since it wasn't really Usagi taking these tests. However, they do reflect the personality of Usagi in many ways.
profile - Same as with the above Personality, Usagi didn't really take these quizzes, so I'm not exactly sure how this all fits (even though you did role-play as her) it's somewhat biased to what you think Usagi would have said.
symbolism - I enjoyed this section...can't wait to see it finished.
Did not Grade.
Goodies 10/10
I enjoyed all the different sized icons listed here. The Usagi Icon LJ is also a great idea for icon-ers to show off their icon skills. The Manga chapter guide is very useful, especially for those who don't own both versions of the manga. It's interesting to see how the manga was condensed from 18 volumes to 12.
Henshin Items
Did not Grade.
Letters never sent 10/10
This is a very unique idea that pertains to Usagi. I remember all those letters that Usagi wrote, but Mamoru never received them. The layout that corresponds with the content makes it seem as though the viewer is actually reading a letter, wonderfully done.
Private Reserves 10/10
Nice selection of your favorite images of all the forms of Sailormoon. Again the layout with this gallery looks awesome.
Updates 10/10
This is an interesting usage of WordPress. Everything is categorized and simply done...we even get to syndicate...spiffy!
Fine print 10/10
In the Links Out section Liquid Diamonds is a broken link. Everything else looks perfectly fine.
A beautiful shrine dedicated to Sailormoon's oh-so-many forms. A wonderful job, I hope to see the site when it is fully complete! Keep up the great work!
Serapii Kisu is © 2005-2018 Danielle, all rights reserved. Please do not duplicate or copy any graphics, layout or code on this website. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon is © 1991-2018 by Takeuchi Naoko, used without permission but without intent of infringement for non-profit, educational purposes in accordance with the "Fair Use" clause of Title 17, Section 107, United States Code. Hosted by Dreamhost.